Check out this informative video tutorial from Apple on how to play piano with GarageBand '09 piano lessons. ILife '09, the software suite from Apple, is the easiest way to organize, view and publish digital content, like pictures, movies, music, and webpages. The W, E, T, Y, U, O, and P keys are the piano’s “black keys.” Play GarageBand with your Mac's keyboard. With the Musical Typing keyboard you can play multiple keys at the same time. Jan 23, 2018 Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E. Tutorial on iPhone X using GarageBand iOS app. Garageband instruments used for Dr. Dre - Still Dre: - Platinum Beat Machine - Hip Hop Sub Bass - Classical Grand Piano.

Here in North America the NHL playoffs are now in full swing and perhaps you're inspired to play some rocking organ! With GB on the iPad we get some great keyboard sounds with nifty screen controls! N

Hier in Nordamerika die NHL Playoffs sind in vollem Gange und vielleicht youre dazu inspiriert, einige rocking Orgel zu spielen! Mit GarageBand für iPad bekommen wir einige tolle Keyboard-Sounds mit nifty Bildschirm steuert! Wir können nicht nur mit diesen Tasten in unseren Songs, waren Aufnahmen, aber als ich kürzlich in einem Tutorial erklärt, ist Live-Einsatz auch eine Möglichkeit!

Online Piano

Setup und Benötigte Ausrüstung

Es gibt ein paar Dinge, die wir brauchen.

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  • Controller Keyboard with power supply - There are many to choose from and I use an Axiom Pro 61. You will definitely need the power supply as the iPad does not provide power through it’s dock port. If you want to use the Korg Nano series, you will need a USB hub with power supply.
  • Camera Connection Kit - Our keyboard controller communicates with GB through this device.

Axiom Pro 61

Apple Camera Connection Kit


Jedes Instrument hat seine eigene Layouts (Orgel mit Zugriegel, Synths mit Filter steuert), sondern auch gibt es einige Funktionen direkt über die Tastatur und diese werden mit dem Instrument ausgewählt variieren. Zum Beispiel wird Sustain am Klavier, aber nicht Orgel, Orgel wird der Drehschalter für die Leslie haben, die alle je nach Instrument.

Obwohl sein würden über eine Tastatur-Controller, wenn Sie die Bildschirmtastatur verwenden möchten, erhalten Sie verschiedene Steuerelemente, wie Ihre Bildschirmtastatur reagiert. Ganz links ist ein Octave Plus und Minus. Eine mittlere Taste für Glissando, Scroll, Pitch, die wiederum abhängig sind je nach Gerät ausgewählt und der rechten Seite eine Skala, Arpeggiator und Tastatur-Layouts.

Glissando können Sie über die Tasten wie ein echter Tastatur abgleiten würde. Denken Sie an die Pianistin mit dem Handrücken und Schiebetüren nach oben oder unten die Tasten.

Blättern können Sie eine Note zu spielen und während Halten es, schieben Sie die Tastatur nach oben oder unten. Nützlich, wenn Sie in verschiedenen Oktaven der Tastatur auf dem Bildschirm schnell benötigen.

Pitch ist wie ein Pitch-Bend-Rad, aber können Sie Tonhöhe nach oben oder unten zwischen den Noten einfach indem Sie Ihren Finger. Great for the Vintage Synths!

Scale ist ideal für Soli, wenn Sie verschiedene klingende Skalen in einem Musikstück versuchen wollen. Sobald Sie die Skala die Sie verwenden möchten holen, wird die Tastatur eher wie eine einzelne Zeile Marimba minus # / b-Tasten. Wenn Sie eine kb-Controller verwenden, werden Sie immer noch alle Noten zur Verfügung, aber Sie können lernen, was Noten sind, indem er sie auf dem iPad und passender sie auf Ihrer Tastatur verwendet. Youll bald spielen Klezmer mit Leichtigkeit!

E Piano Kaufen

Arpeggiator ist Ihre Freiheit, um mehrere Noten mit einem Akkord gedrückt spielen. Sie können wählen, beachten Sie bestellen, bewerten und Oktaven. Sehr geeignet für Tanzmusik oder Ihre Version von Teenage Wasteland! Leider funktioniert der Arpeggiator nicht mit einer KB-Controller arbeiten.

“Keyboard Layout/Velocity/Key Controls” - You can choose how you would like the onscreen keyboard to be set up with choices for one or two keyboards and octave range.
“Velocity” on and off is simple enough but you also can control the velocity range depending on the instrument (no velocity for organ since there is none!) left to the middle of the screen.
“Key Controls” simply turns on and off the view of the middle button for “Glissando”, etc.
There is also a hidden feature that is very cool and similar to an aftertouch on a KB controller. Load in the “Vintage Lead” preset under “Synth Lead” and strike a note. Now move your finger up and down that note.. instant filter sweep!


Plug your keyboard into your Camera Connection Kit and make sure it’s secure as I find it can pop out easily. If it does, you may need to restart your iPad to get control again. Open up GB and navigate to the “Keyboard” instrument. Once this opens you can then select from pianos,organs, synths, etc. by tapping on the instrument in the middle of the screen. You can even store your own presets.

Garageband E Piano Anschliessen

Again, think of the iPad screen as the controls for the organs drawbars or synths filters. Unfortunately GB won’t record this data during recording. Pitch bend and Mod wheels will respond on your controller as will velocity and after touch. Also, there are no ways to assign a KB controller’s sliders or knobs to say, organ drawbars or synth knobs, although I did find my “master” slider with MIDI CC#7 controlled instrument volume.

Mit Smart Instruments

One feature I wish GB would allow is the use of “autoplay” but controlled via the KB controller. But there are some interesting ideas you can do by combining the “autoplay” feature and your keyboard. For example, select “Smart Keyboard” and choose one of the 4 “autoplay” modes. You then will see 3 bars with a chord on the top bar. The bar with the chord plays both left and right hand accompaniments, the middle bar is right hand only and the bottom is left hand bass. If you hit the top bar, you could solo on the KB controller. The middle bar could allow you to try bass combinations such as G-G/F-G/E or perhaps a piano bass line with a distinctive melody. Be careful though as the sustain is used most likely and can mush up your sound in the bass line. Using the bottom bar would allow you again more right hand solos or your own accompaniment.

If you want any electric or acoustic bass instruments, you will need to use “Smart Bass”. Using the acoustic bass gives a feature that is hard to emulate on the KB controller unless you get good with the pitch bend wheel.. sliding your finger along a fretless neck. Simply select Acoustic Bass, switch the “Chords” to “Notes” and tap on the screen. It adds some realism to the bass line and with some practice, can give some convincing results. Further editing can be done on GB on your Mac.

“Smart Guitar” is very similar to the smart keyboard and bass features with one additional feature. If you use your KB Controller, you can strike chords on your keys!Now you can use the “autoplay” feature for arpeggiated chords and “strum” chords on your keyboard. Great too for having ostinato picking patterns with multiple chord changes.

Recording Tipps

First and foremost.. PRACTICE! Yes.. I said that again as I did in the last tutorial. GB on the iPad does not allow editing like GB on a Mac . Not even MIDI editing for wrong notes. Maybe in version 2.. BUT.. you can slow down the tempo, unlike the Guitar/Audio recording section, and speed it up after. If needed later, you can open up the song on your Mac and edit it there. You also can save time by recording repetitive parts and then looping them. Simply record your part, double tap on the track region and select “Loop”.

If your timing is not that great or you need to tighten up a section, “Quantization” will help. Simply tap on the top right “Mixer” in the Track view and select your quantization value. Use the fastest value you played. For example, if a lead synth line played as fast as 16th notes, use the 1/16 Note value. Quantization will also affect all of the tracks regions in a section! But.. you can have different quantization on each section if a part gets moved from one section to another. Confused? Yeah.. me too at first. If you quantize a part in Section A to 1/8 notes but then move it to Section B that is quantized to 1/16 notes, the new part will show “Multiple”. This is something I seriously hope Apple fixes as it’s frustrating if you need multiple quantizations within a section.

Computer Piano

Also, don’t be afraid to record a part and try different instruments as your song may take on a whole new flavor choosing a clav instead of a piano for example. Try duplicating the track with a similar synth but with a different filter cutoff and panned hard left and right. Or use two totally different synths. Bass lines can get really fat with this idea! Slow your song down and play in your own idea of an arpeggiated pattern.. speed up and loop!
Stay tuned for more GarageBand for iPad tips and tutorials. Till next time..don’t drive your neighbors nuts with the Minimoog playing Axel F or Tom Sawyer synth leads.

E Piano Competition