CV Tools is a Pack of ten devices for Live 10 Suite that generate and receive Pitch, Control, Clock and Trigger CV. Send and modulate CV to and from your modular setup or other CV-based gear and Ableton Live using a compatible dc-coupled audio interface. Use Live as the tempo leader or set it to follow your modular system clock.

Jun 10, 2019  Now in public beta is CV Tools, a new Pack of 10 Max for Live devices that generate or receive Pitch, Control, Clock and Trigger CV. Soon you’ll be able to receive and modulate CV between your modular or other CV-based gear and Ableton Live 10 using a compatible, DC-coupled audio interface. Ableton CV Tools Workshop @SchneidersLaden Ableton and SchneidersLaden present a workshop about integrating modular synthesizers with Ableton CV Tools. Ableton’s Matt Jackson and Skinnerbox came to teach you how CV Tools works and how it can expand the possibilities of your studio. On November 28th 2019 Ableton and SchneidersLaden presented a workshop about integrating modular. CV is an abbreviation of 'Control Voltage'; an analog method of controlling synthesizers, drum machines and other similar equipment. What is CV Tools? CV Tools is a free pack consisting of CV-enabled instruments, synchronization tools, and modulation utilities that enable users to seamlessly integrate Ableton Live with modular devices that. The newest pack for Ableton’s Max for Live is in beta and set to release soon – CV Tools for Live. This pack is FREE and consists of a number of devices meant to bridge the connection between your analog gear with Control Voltage parameters and Ableton Live.

Plus, even if you don’t own a modular setup, the Rotating Rhythm Generator and CV Utility devices add modular-style workflow inside Live or to your non-modular hardware setup.


CV Instrument

Control your modular with MIDI. This device features flexible modulation and voicing options, as well as cent-accurate tuning of your oscillators.

CV Triggers

Ableton Cv Tools Download

Sequence your modular drum modules from inside Live.


CV Utility

Control your modular with automation curves from Live. Add, multiply and shift control signals together and process control voltages like audio. You can even use this device if you don’t have any modular gear.


CV Clock In

Control Live's tempo from your Eurorack system.

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CV Clock Out

Send CV clock out to your modular and sync it to Live.



Use your modular to modulate parameters in Live.

CV Shaper

Create flexible CV shapes in Live then send them to your modular rig.

CV Envelope Follower

Control your modular with audio signals from inside Live.


Instantly add more LFOs to your modular system.

MIDI Effect

Rotating Rhythm Generator

Create organic rhythms and experiment with modular-style beat and polyrhythm generation. This device also sends MIDI so you can use it with Drum Racks or other external equipment with a MIDI input.

Ableton CV Tools for Live · Source: Ableton / YouTube


Do you perform using Ableton Live and a modular synth? Hold on tight: Ableton has just announced CV Tools for Live, a suite of 10 Max for Live devices that let you control your modular synth from Live via CV – and vice versa! CV Tools is now in public beta, and will be a free update for all users of Ableton Live 10 Suite.

The CV Tools for Live are being developed in collaboration with Skinnerbox. They use a compatible, DC-coupled audio interface to send and receive CV and trigger signals to and from external analog gear, such as a modular synth. The idea isn’t new: MOTU’s Volta plug-in did it eight years ago (albeit only in one direction), and Bitwig Studio also has built-in CV capabilities. But it’s awesome to see Ableton Live catching up, given the DAW’s huge popularity amongelectronic live performers.

10 CV input and output modules

The CV Tools suite consists of ten modules, which can handle different communication and modulation tasks. The CV Instrument lets you control your modular synth using CV/Gate. It contains modulation generators such as two envelopes and a shaper. Then, there’s the CV Triggers module, which is designed to control drums using key-mapped, configurable triggers.

For modulation, CV Tools contains several interesting modules. The CV Utility module serves as a universal modulation tool. It lets you use Live’s automation to control a modular synth. You can also combine and mix/layer several control signals. Then, there’s a CV LFO and a module called CV Shaper, which essentially looks like a luxury LFO that lets you create complex modulation waveforms. The CV Envelope Follower module can create CV signals from audio events in Live.

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CV Instrument
CV Triggers
CV Shaper

Envelope Follower
CV Utility

Control Live from your modular synth

What’s great about the CV Tools is that they also let you control Live from a modular synth. That’s something that Volta couldn’t do. Two sync modules handle the task of controlling the modular’s tempo from Live, or using triggers from the modular to control Live’s tempo. The CV In module takes a control voltage from the modular, so you can use to modulate parameters in Live. Neat!

To use the new Ableton Live CV Tools, you’ll need an audio interface with DC-coupled inputs and outputs. I’m sure that Ableton will post some kind of list with compatible interfaces when CV Tools is officially released, and the user community will quickly figure out which interfaces can be used. The number of CV signals you’ll be able to send and receive will depend on the number of analog inputs and outputs of the interface.

Ableton CV Tools for Live is now in public beta. You can download it from Ableton’s site and try it using the Ableton Live 10.1 beta. After the testing period, CV Tools for Live will be free for owners of Live 10 Suite, or owners of Live 10 Standard who also have Max for Live.

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